Welcome to our article library. These posts are meant to be quick reads, ten minutes or less, in which I share my personal Bible studies with you. I want you to see what can be uncovered with just a little digging after being equipped with the right tools. You too can study the Bible and love it, receiving revelation and understanding from the scriptures. You will grow closer to God’s heart as you discover truth and freedom in Christ! God is for you and He wants to speak to you through His written word. I pray these articles bless you and build faith in your heart that we serve a God who can meet you exactly where you are. Let Him lead you on a journey through the Bible and through life.
The blog section is a space for people to fellowship. The blog posts are conversation topics. Feedback is encouraged and necessary, but again I emphasize do not let this become a place for debate and division. Please emphasize facts and respectfully explain your opinions. Remember, opinions are like thumb prints…. Everybody has them and no two are alike! Let’s respect one another and grow together.